My top 5 crypto holdings in 2024

  1. Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin is a distributed peer-to-peer network purpose-built to solve the double-spend problem in digital space. In the physical world, you can’t “double spend” an asset, like a gold coin or cash, because it’s impossible for it to be in two places at once. This is different in the digital world, where code can be copied and systems can glitch.

Bitcoin solves this through an ever-expanding, permanent ledger of all historical transactions that are constantly cross-referenced. In the process, you end up with the most secure digital network in the world. This is where the value prospect of Bitcoin expands exponentially, because everyone will be looking to leverage this security to build new digital infrastructure as well as hold units of the network as a store of value.

2. Thorchain (RUNE)

Thorchain allows people to directly swap between blockchains, like Bitcoin & Ethereum, without relying on centralized exchanges (like Coinbase) that can often be “down for maintenance” in the most critical moments. The future of crypto isn’t isolated blockchains, but free movement between all networks, and Thorchain is among the first laying the groundwork.

3. Akash (AKT)

Akash is an open, on-demand GPU-based cloud application service. From online games in your browser, to AI processing, to crypto mining - you can deploy applications & leverage Akash’s expanding compute resources. There are other projects competing in this space, like Render Network (RNDR) - the difference being that Akash’s services are fully available and under extensive use.

4. Solana (SOL)

Solana is somewhat of an inverse of Bitcoin. Where Bitcoin depends on wide distribution & constant cross-referencing for ultimate security, Solana pursues a “single-state” strategy that, while possibly compromising network security & stability, enables it to be insanely fast, making it a robust platform for building applications that are purely concerned with performance & user experience. Solana has an ever-expanding ecosystem of snappy & responsive applications & services - from its own mobile phone, to video games, to trading platforms & more.

5. Ethereum (ETH)

Where you may have heard Bitcoin simplified as “digital gold,” you might also hear about Ethereum described as “digital oil.” Sometimes called the “world computer,” Ethereum pioneered smart contracts - isolated, programmable transactions that can interact with each other. Out of this innovation came a number of things unique to crypto - namely “DeFi” or Decentralized Finance. Ethereum birthed self-contained lending, borrowing, trading, & depository services that regulate themselves on code alone. While these things now exist on other chains like Solana & Thorchain, Ethereum has a particular claim to network security through its widespread distribution, and a well-established & strong developer base.

Honorable Mentions

Some other projects worth considering are Kaspa (KAS), Jackal (JKL), Avalanche (AVAX), NEAR Protocol (NEAR), Chainlink (LINK), Stacks (STX), & Injective (INJ).

Richard Blasco